Category Archives: Ashley Todd

Overweight Dyslexic Attention-Whore Fascist Embarasses Herself

fat turd doesn't understand basics of mirror image reversal

I'd stay away from mirrors too.

So it seems this chubby mythomaniac (Ashley Todd) invented a black slasher and live-blogged a faked attack from the “wrong side” of Pittsburgh.

A glance at her blog and you can tell that this hefty Texan is fond of both kinds of Whopper. She writes, of a weekend in scummy, liberal New York:

So, I had an interesting time in my second time in NY. Finding a hotel was hard, since the UN was meeting, and the only Kinds were very skeezy. And i paid 200 bucks for the honour of staying in these usually “by the hour” type places…Ew.

In Manhattan? Really? In the 1970’s, I suppose..? Poor Ashley has been incarcerated in her gated community for so many years wathcing 1980’s movies about suburban babysitters adventuring into New York-by-night to save children from lesbian child pimps and etc…

Here are some more pictures of her Junior Fascist League friends working out their provincial sexual frustrations by, for example, cavorting as folkloric and racist stereotypes:

NDLR:  Seems COLLEGE REPUBLICANS have decided to scrub clean their flickr pages of all things Ash Todd.

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Filed under apocalypse, Ashley Todd, cindy mccain, death, frat boys, Junior Fascists, mccain, palin, Politics